
As the end of this year, we cleaned our laboratory to spend time more effectively next year.




Kosuke got Best Poster awards.


Symposium for the Core Research Clusters for Materials Science and Spintronics, and International Joint Graduate Program in Materials Science and Spintronics

We presented our works.

“Radio-frequency reflectometry of bilayer graphene quantum devices using RFSoC platform”,

“Analysis of Kondo state in quantum dots fabricated in ZnO heterostructures”,

“Fabrication of SrTiO3-based capacitor for cryogenic variable microwave resonators”

3rd International Workshop of Spin/Quantum Materials and Devices & 6th Workshop on Quantum and Classical Cryogenic Devices, Circuits, and Systems

We presented our works.

“Semiconductor quantum devices based on new materials”

Quantum Innovation 2024

We presented our works.

“Exploring Quantum Devices with New Materials”

International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials

We presented our works.

“New material-based approaches in quantum devices”

Imoni Party

We had an imoni party. 

We cooked Yamagata imoni.  


Our paper is published. 

 Nature Communications 15, 9556 (2024) 

The 13th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum Coherence Effect and Quantum Information

We presented our works.

“Microwave resonances in disorder-induced quantum dots within GaN/AlGaN FETs”,

“Quantum Dots in ZnO Heterostructures and Kondo Effects”

JPS 2024 Autumn meeting

We presented our works.





36th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS) 2024

We presented our works.

“Formation of quantum dots in ZnO heterostructures and observation of Kondo Effect”,

“Classifying the Charge State of Quantum Dots by Machine Learning and Improving the Performance by Visual Explanations of the Model”


Our paper is published. 

 Physical Review B 110, 035305 (2024). 

Hanami party

We enjoyed a Hanami party.  


Our paper is published. 

APL Machine Learning 2, 026110 (2024) 

New member

Yuta and Azusa joined our group.


JSAP Spring Meeting 2024

We presented our works.



JPS 2024 Spring meeting

We presented our works.


「GaN FETにおけるマイクロ波共鳴ピークの解析」、



We presented our works.

“Formation of quantum dots and analysis of Kondo effect in ZnO”


Tomoya  Kazuma, Riku and Akitomi graduated.


UGAP2024 workshop

We presented our works.

“The study of the response of the semiconductor quantum device to radiation”

UK-Japan-Swiss Workshop ‘Materials for Quantum Electronics’

We presented our works.

“Semiconductor Qubits and New Materials”

The 5th International Symposium on AI and Electronics

We presented our works.

“Improvement of Charge State Estimation in Quantum Dots by Machine Learning and Visualization of the Model by Grad-CAM”

FY 2023 RIEC Annual Meeting 

on Cooperative Research Projects

We presented our works.

“Towards automatic parameter tuning of large-scale quantum system by machine learning”

“Single PbS colloidal quantum dot transistor”

“Study on Response of Quantum Point Contact to Alpha Radiation”

Past Activities