Quantum information and machine seminar / Online

We presented our work in quantum information and machine seminar.

Our presentation is


Cryogenic Technology Research Group

We presented our work.


Security Technology Contest

Motoya Shinozaki and Yui Muto won the third prize in the security technology contest of the 1st Security Forensics Workshop held by the Tohoku Regional Police Bureau.

Spin camp 10

We presented our work.

"Noise dependence of the charge state estimation in quantum dots by Bayesian approach"

"Noise analysis of radio-frequency reflectometry in quantum dots "

Conference on Magnetics in Japan

We presented our work.

"Measurement and control of spin quantum states utilizing semiconductor quantum dots"

New member

Tomoya Johmen joined our group.


Online Lab Tour

Online lab tour for undergraduate students in Tohoku University will be held on Sep. 29th and 30th.

Thank you for visiting our website.


JPS 2020 Autumn meeting / Online

We presented our works in Japanese physical society meeting.

Our presentations are





Distinguished Researcher

Tomo is selected as a distinguished researcher in Tohoku University.

ISSP Workshop

We presented our work in ISSP workshop.

Our presentation is

「半導体微細構造を用いた量子デバイス 」

Step-QI Best Poster Award

Yui received Step-QI Best Poster Award.

Intelligent Cosmos Research Encouraging Award

Tomo received Intelligent Cosmos Research Encouraging Award.

Welcome party / Online

We had a welcome party for new members. 

We had a good time with the room introductions that can only be done remotely.

New group website

We renewed our group website.

There is also a video introducing the our lab. Please have a look there.

New member

Takumi Aizawa joined our group.


New member

Rikako Yoshizumi joined our group.


JPS 2020 Annual (75th) meeting

We presented our works in Japanese physical society meeting.

Our presentations are

「GaN FET中量子ドット形成の絶縁膜依存性」


New member

Motoya Shinozaki joined our group.



Ski camp

We had a ski camp. There was a strong snowstorm, but everyone enjoyed the skiing on a vast course with very nice snow quality.  

5th quantum information and machine learning meeting 

We had 5th quantum information and machine learning meeting in RIEC. 

Graduation research announcement

We had party for graduation research announcement. 

Also serving as party to celebrate master's and doctor's thesis announcement, so we interacted with many seniors and teachers. 


We created YouTube to let everyone know about the activities of our laboratory. This is the shooting scene.